Creative intentions reg.
Creative intentions workshop
February 1st 2020
2:00 to 5:00pm
This workshop is by donation. Registration is required because space is limited. To register please fill out the form below. All art supplies are provided. Please feel free to bring any inspirational images that you might have. If you would like to bring a friend, please contact me a few days before to see if there is space. You can e-transfer your donation to: or pay at the door the day of.
All encouraged to register regardless of experience with Art making.
more ABOUT
In the creative intentions workshop we take time to redirect our energy and define our desires. We hone in on what we want and how we want to feel. Creating a visual representation (or vision board), you’ll play with colour, words, paints and other mixed media techniques. Take home your visual reminder to empower you everyday. Your vision board is a map to the future. Displaying it somewhere that you will see every day will serve as a guide to remind you of your bigger plan. We will have time to journal (journals available) and develop some ideas and words to focus our artwork on.
I attended an Open Art Ed. workshop just before returning to work from 14 months of maternity leave. I wanted to prepare for the shift in my life by making time to set an intention that would carry me forward. The mindfulness art workshop was perfect. At first, I was afraid I wouldn’t like my art. However, Megan provided all the tools, supplies and guidance to make it easy and fun. I love what I created! It hangs on the wall next to my bed and is my compass that brings me back to my intention. I’m so glad I made the time to attend. City life is busy but self care is priceless. I highly recommend these workshops.